About me

Truong Le

Hi, I am Truong Le

  • First Name : Truong
  • Last Name : Le
  • Nationality : Vietnam
  • Languages : English, Vietnamese, German
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My resume


Work Experience

6/2022 - 12/2022
FabCity Hamburg

Front-end Developer

- Built an UI component library for the FabCity network - Collaborated with other members in the team to construct a new website for the company using Astro - Techstack: Reactjs, Tailwind

5/2021 - 1/2022
Teqnological Asia

Front-end Developer

- Continued to deepen the technical knowledge in front-end development with both React.js and Vue.js as main techs - Takes responsibilities in projects' settings and configurations - Provides trainee developers with insightful guides and a range of advice

12/2019 - 4/2021
Native Inc.

Front-end Developer

- Responsible for writing most of reusable components, integrating multiple features and optimizing for better performance and server-side rendering with Vue.js as primary tech - Contributed to organize and refactor project's structure - Made various maintenance and enhancement upon old features

6/2019 - 11/2019

Front-end Developer

- Developed multiple freelance projects with the primary target of expanding horizon with latest technologies (Vue.js, Node.js and Laravel) - Explored and perceived core features of applied technologies - Significantly improved teamwork skills

6/2017 - 5/2019

Front-end Developer

- On-site internship in 3 months - Gained initial knowledge and experience in front-end development (HTML5, CSS3, JS) - Collaborated with other developers and designers to deliver optimum products to clients using Wordpress, Shopify

Educational Qualification

2014 - 2019
International University, Saigon, Vietnam

Computer Science

GPA: 2.9

Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden

Computer Science

Exchange semesters


  • Application of Geometric Modeling in Visualizing the Medical Image Dataset - Read more
  • Visualization of Medical Images Data Based on Geometric Modeling - Read more